Get the Body You’ve Always Wanted!

No matter how you feel right now, take heart! It’s never too late to get in shape and eat right to lose a few pounds. The sooner you get busy the sooner you see results, so what are you waiting for?

Here are a few tips to help you look and feel your best!

Tip 1: Move More

You won’t increase your calorie burn just sitting there. Get up and move! Add exercise to your day whenever you can, even when you’re not heading in to see your trainer. Take the stairs, walk on your lunch break, or dance with the kids after dinner. The more you move your body, the closer you get to your weight loss goal. Each step adds up. Live an active lifestyle for the greatest fitness gains.

Tip 2: Exercise Smart

Get the most bang for your buck with the right exercises. What you want to focus on are exercises that torch calories and those that work multiple muscle groups at one time.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) using cardio exercise is one of the best ways to burn calories in a short amount of time. Alternate short bursts of high-intensity exercise with longer periods of low-intensity exercise. This can be done running, swimming, cycling, or even walking.

Exercises like push-ups work six muscles—the biceps, triceps, pecs, abs, deltoids, and glutes. Rows are another exercise that multitask, working your arms and back muscles. Squats and lunges should be your go-to leg workout, targeting your thighs and glutes. Increase the intensity of the exercise by holding dumbbells. Want a total body workout in one exercise? Try deadlifts with a barbell or dumbbells. Get guidance from your trainer on proper form to avoid injury.

Tip 3: Reduce Calories

You could work out for hours each day and still not get the beach body you want if you’re not eating right. Cut calories and you’ll see results. This doesn’t mean you have to feel hungry all the time. It means making smart food choices and substitutions. Avoid foods made with refined grains and empty carbohydrates, such as white breads, cereals, pastas, and snack foods, and steer clear of added sugars found in sodas, sports drinks, cookies, and candies. Instead, eat your fill of foods high in fiber and protein. In other words, go for fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, fish, nuts, and beans. Fiber and protein will slow your digestion so you eat less and feel fuller longer, which helps to curb cravings.

Tip 4: Decrease Bloating

Your tummy’s already a bit overweight, so bloating doesn’t help the situation. There are ways to reduce bloating so you look slimmer in your summer attire. One way is to skip salt. Eating too much sodium can leave you feeling bloated for days. Cut back on packaged snacks, canned foods, sauces, and fast foods, all which contain extra salt. Instead, cook fresh foods and season your foods with herbs and spices.

Certain high-fiber foods can also lessen bloating. Include bananas, yogurt, spicy foods, garlic, and melons in your diet to cut back on excess weight around your middle. Then take a look in the mirror, because you’re already looking better!



Allan Alguire

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