Pick Your Protein Flavor

Get the protein your body needs with a little shaking action

One of the three macronutrients, protein is needed to build muscles, tissues, and organs. It’s used to produce hormones, enzymes, and antibodies. Eating adequate amounts of protein is one way to promote weight loss, muscle gain, and muscle recovery after a strenuous workout. It’s no wonder the fitness world puts so much emphasis on it.

While you can get the protein you need from food sources such as meat, fish, dairy, eggs, and nuts, protein shakes eaten as a snack or in place of a meal can be a convenient, fast, and delicious way to get the protein you need for health and fitness.

Not sure how to make a protein shake? Keep reading to learn.

Powders Make It Easy

To make a protein shake, start with protein powder. There are several different types of powders to choose from. Whey and casein powders are both milk-based. They contain the basic proteins found in milk, with the fats and carbohydrates removed. Whey protein is the most popular type of powder because of its taste, affordability, and quality. Absorbed quickly by the body, whey protein is often used as a post-workout shake. Casein protein, also known as milk protein, tastes similar to whey but takes longer to digest. It is rich in amino acids that help muscles recover following a workout.

Soy, rice, hemp, and pea are four types of plant-based protein powders. Preferred by vegans and vegetarians, these proteins are rich in essential amino acids that promote heart health and muscle growth.

How to Choose

When deciding which type of powder to use, look for certified brands made from a reputable company. Second, find a powder that’s low in fat and carbs.
Protein powders come either flavored or unflavored. The way you prepare your shake will depend on whether you use flavored or unflavored. Just need a quick shake after your workout? All you need is flavored powder mixed with your choice of milk or water. Some flavors are artificial and others natural. A few of the most popular include chocolate, peanut butter, vanilla, banana crème, strawberry, caramel, cookies and cream, and café mocha. Prefer to add additional foods to your shake as a meal replacement? You’d probably prefer an unflavored powder.

Making a Shake

To make a protein shake on the go, all you need is a water bottle, powder, and milk or water. Add the ingredients and shake it up. A blender bottle with a spherical whisk makes this easy and ensures the powder mixes in well.
Combining multiple ingredients is best done using a blender. Find a recipe online or experiment until you find one you like. In addition to the protein powder, common ingredients include milk (cow, soy, or almond), juice, yogurt, cottage cheese, fruit, vegetables, oatmeal, peanut butter, nuts, seeds, sweeteners, flavors, and ice.

To ensure the protein powder gets completely dissolved, blend your milk and powder before adding other ingredients.

How Much Powder?

To make sure you’re using the right amount of protein, follow the directions found on the container of powder. In general, women should use one scoop and men two scoops. Each scoop typically contains an ounce of powder and 20 to 25 grams of protein. Using milk, yogurt, or nuts in your shake adds even more protein.

The minimum daily requirement for protein is 0.5 to 0.7 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. Adults seeking to lose weight and build muscle through exercise should get 0.8 to 1.0 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. Female competitive athletes should get 1.0 to 1.2 grams and male competitive athletes 1.0 to 1.5 grams per pound of bodyweight.




Allan Alguire

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