How to Gain Weight

Do these things if you want to slow your metabolism and gain weight

The word metabolism is thrown around a lot in the world of weight loss, but do you know what it is and how it works? Metabolism is your body’s process of turning food and drinks into energy that’s used for breathing, circulation, digestion, cell functions, hormone regulation, and muscle movement—all of which burn calories. Someone who has a fast metabolism burns calories at a faster rate.

You’ve heard tips about how to speed up your metabolism in an effort to burn more calories and lose weight, but have you considered what you might be doing to slow your metabolism? Many times people unintentionally sabotage their weight loss efforts by doing things that slow their metabolism. If you want to be on the slow train to weight loss, do these things.

I always cringe when people tell me they don’t eat breakfast, as though that’s a good thing. Eek! You have to start the day off with something in your stomach to get your metabolism active. Also, the mental game of ‘holding out,’ not eating for as long as possible, at least for me, was a really unhealthy mental place. – Alison Sweeney

1. Skip Weight Training

Want to slow your metabolism, especially while trying to lose weight? Stay on the treadmill your whole workout. By focusing merely on cardio without including strength training exercises in your routine you miss out on the benefits of increased muscle mass. The more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism. Just one weight training session each week can increase your resting energy expenditure by five percent.

2. Eat Too Few Calories

Severely restricting calories in your effort to lose weight fast will backfire in the end. Eating too few calories transitions your body into starvation mode and it slows metabolism to hold onto as many calories as possible. When your diet is over and you begin to eat normally, your metabolism is still slow and you’ll quickly regain the lost weight.

3. Cut Out Food Groups

Maybe you don’t like dairy or are trying to shed pounds by cutting carbs, but you’re not doing your metabolism any favors by eliminating whole food groups. The protein and calcium found in dairy products are needed for building muscle and metabolizing fat, so drink low-fat milk and include cheese and yogurt in your diet.

The right carbs are also needed for effective exercise and a humming metabolism. There are good carbs and bad so only eliminate the bad. This can be done by dropping foods that are made with added sugars or white flour. A diet lacking in protein may also slow your metabolism, but eating protein-rich foods like eggs, meat, poultry, and fish temporarily increases metabolism as it’s digested and processed by the body.

4. Skipping Meals

Think you’ll lose weight faster by skipping breakfast? Think again. Multiple studies show people tend to eat more calories at lunch if they didn’t eat a well-balanced breakfast. Folks who consistently forgo breakfast are more likely to be overweight because skipping meals tells your body to conserve its energy by burning calories more slowly.

Your metabolism also tends to be slower when you eat on an erratic schedule. Plan to eat your meals and snacks around the same time each day so your body knows food is coming and that it’s okay to burn calories in between.

5. Skimp on Sleep

Never underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. A lack of quality sleep or an irregular sleep schedule can wreck havoc on your metabolism. Research shows not getting enough shut-eye is one way to slow your metabolism and gain weight. It does this by helping to regulate the hormones responsible for appetite and giving you energy to burn more calories during the day.




Allan Alguire

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