Say Goodbye to Cellulite

Get the smooth skin you want with these treatments

Sometimes referred to as “cottage cheese” or “orange peel skin,” cellulite is the fat found beneath your skin that often looks lumpy as it pulls against the connective tissue and makes the skin pucker. Usually most noticeable on your thighs, hips, bottom, and belly, cellulite can be present on thin or overweight people. Most often seen on women, cellulite can be caused by a lack of exercise, poor diet, a slow metabolism, dehydration, hormonal changes, or extra body fat. The dimples aren’t as noticeable on darker or tanned skin.

Treatment for cellulite isn’t necessary, but many women dislike its appearance. Many products claim amazing results, but beware—most don’t live up to their promises. If your home remedies don’t do the trick, you may need to make an appointment to see a dermatologist or plastic surgeon.

Here are the recommended treatments for reducing the appearance of cellulite. Give one or two a try and see how it works for you.

Topical Creams and Lotions

Visit your local pharmacy and you’ll find a variety of creams and lotions that promise great results. Active ingredients, vitamins, antioxidants, or herbal extracts claim to breakdown fat. Most topical agents are a waste of time, but creams with 0.3 percent retinol have proven to be the most promising.


Freeze and kill your fat cells with a noninvasive procedure called cryolipolysis. After several treatments that take place over the course of three to four months, as much as an inch of fat can disappear as your body naturally gets rid of the dead fat cells. Typically performed to shape your body, cryolipolysis can also be used to reduce cellulite.


Results, if any, are generally short-lived, but vigorous massage can reduce the appearance of cellulite. As you use a hand-held machine to massage and suction the skin between two rollers, blood flow is increased, excess fluid worked out, and toxins removed. Eventually, the connective tissue that holds the fat weakens and the dimples decrease.


Women typically see the greatest reduction in cellulite through a therapy that uses lasers, radiofrequencies, massage, and liposuction. Several systems are available and require a series of treatments to see results, but improvements can last an average of six months.


Get results that last up to two years with subcision. A minimally invasive procedure, subcision requires a dermatologist to use a needle to break up the connective tissue bands beneath the skin that pull your fat and cause dimples. A numbing solution is used and 20 to 30 dimples can be treated in one hour, but as with any procedure, risks are involved.


During a procedure called mesotherapy, a doctor injects chemicals into the fat layer to break down the fat so cellulite isn’t as noticeable. This treatment is less successful and comes with risks of infection, rashes, swelling, and even increased lumps.

Weight Loss

Multiple other procedures are available, including shockwave therapy, acoustic wave therapy, ultrasound, vacuum-assisted tissue release, endermologie, and carboxytherapy. Before trying any of them, talk with your physician. Or go with a healthier, more natural way to go about cellulite reduction.

If you’re overweight and hate wearing shorts or swimsuits because of your cellulite, one of the best remedies is weight loss. While thin, fit people can also have cellulite, they generally have less. Lose the extra pounds, add muscle, and you’ll see a reduction in cellulite. Watch what you eat, get regular cardio exercise, and add in strength training exercises that focus on your legs and bottom. Strong muscles and less fat mean smoother skin, without the cellulite.



Allan Alguire

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