Pick Your Protein Flavor
Get the protein your body needs with a little shaking action One of the three macronutrients, protein is needed to build muscles, tissues, and organs. It’s used to produce hormones, enzymes, and antibodies. Eating adequate amounts of protein is one way to promote weight loss, muscle gain, and muscle recovery after a strenuous workout. It’s […]
One Person, Two Extremes
What you should know about bipolar disorder One month you feel sad and hopeless. Getting out of bed is nearly impossible and going to work is a dreaded task. The next month your mood changes to the opposite extreme and you feel energized, elated, and ready to face the world. Such is the life of […]
Treadmill Trials
If you’re ready to kiss that boring treadmill workout goodbye, mix things up with these five workout ideas. Running, jogging, or walking at the same pace in the same place for every workout can get boring really fast. The bad thing about boring workouts? First, you’re more likely to give up on exercise all together […]
Worth Your Time
Spend your workout doing one of these five exercises and you won’t be wasting your time. Between work, household chores, eating, and sleeping, it can be hard to find the time for exercise. This means when you do make the time to work out, you want it to be effective and worth the effort. There’s […]
Building Fit Kids
Teach your kids to love exercise and they’ll be fit for life Don’t you wish you knew what you know now when you were young? Perhaps you would have done things a lot differently if you could go back and change history. Many people feel this way about health and fitness. At an early age, […]
Importance of B Vitamins
Understanding vitamin B and how to get it in your diet. You know that it’s important to eat a balanced diet so you can get the recommended amounts of vitamins and minerals. If you were to only eat fruits and vegetables, however, you’d miss out on the nutrients found in dairy, protein, and grains. One […]