Surprise! I’m Healthy
Five foods you may be surprised to learn are good for you. It’s high in fat…contains too much cholesterol…is full of empty calories… Sound familiar? Unfortunately, people try to avoid certain foods labeled “unhealthy” when in reality they are actually full of good fats, vitamins, minerals, and valuable antioxidants. Due to changing views of weight […]
Eat This…Live Longer
What foods you should eat for a long and healthy life. Several communities around the globe share a unique trait. In these regions (known as the Blue Zones) many people live to be 100 or beyond. Scientists have studied these groups of people to discover their secret, and after years of research they’ve uncovered several […]
Be Good to Your Heart
Exercise is one of the best things you can do to care for your heart. Here’s why. Your heart is one of the body’s five vital organs. It’s also the hardest working. Each day, the heart beats an average of 100,000 times, pumping 2,000 gallons of blood throughout your body’s 60,000 miles of blood vessels. […]
Hidden Sugars
Don’t let hidden sugars slow your weight-loss efforts. Everyone knows there’s sugar in candies, cookies, cakes, and soda. But did you know that nearly every processed and packaged food contains added sugars? Sugar may enhance taste, but it offers no nutritional value and only increases calories. Reducing the amount of sugar in your diet is […]
High-Alert Eating
What’s life like with a food allergy? If you live life without a food allergy, you have it easy. Eating out, potluck meals, and cafeteria lunches are no big deal. You don’t have to read labels or think twice before enjoying something as simple as a cookie. For people with a food allergy, however, eating […]
When Your Workout’s Not Working
Not reaching your goals? Your workout may be too easy. Here are six ways to tell. You don’t want to exercise for nothing. Yeah, you may enjoy the fresh air or the time spent with your workout partner and your personal trainer, but if you’re not seeing the results you expected, your workout may not […]